
Meiosis- (Defination, Phase-1, Phase-2 All About Of Meiosis With Figure)

mitosis vs meosis figure


  • Meiosis (from Greek, meiosis, and that implies diminishing) is a particular kind of cell division that decreases the chromosome number significantly, making four haploid cells, each hereditarily unmistakable from the parent cell that brought about them. This process happens in all physically imitating single-celled and multicellular eukaryotes, including creatures, plants, and parasites.

  • It is the type of eukaryotic cell division (reductional division) which happens during the course of arrangement of gametes in physically replicating living beings and produces haploid sex cells or gametes from diploid cells. The cycle additionally happens during arrangement of spores in certain life forms. In meiosis a diploid cell (2N) goes through two progressive divisions to shape four haploid (N) girl cells.The haploid cells lead to gametes.

  • Meiosis was found and depicted without precedent for ocean imp eggs in 1876 by the German scientist Oscar Hertwig. It was portrayed again in 1883, at the degree of chromosomes, by the Belgian embryologist Edouard Van Beneden, in Ascaris roundworm eggs. While dealing with the pony threadworm (Parascaris equorum), he saw that there were two times as a large number chromosomes apparent during mitosis in the prepared egg as there had been in the sperm and egg cores before the mitosis.

  • By this perception, he inferred that the commitment of every one of the female and male gametes was around 50% of the chromosome number to the zygote. A. Weismann(German researcher) recommended in 1887 that in every age there should happen decrease division at some stage in which the chromosome number is diminished to half. Flemming (1887) and Strasburger (1888) noticed that two atomic divisions occur in fast progression only before the arrangement of mature eggs and sperms in creatures also, development of dust grains in angiosperms.
  • In all life forms the chromosomes stay two by two. The creatures repeating abiogenetically increase by mitosis. Consequently, there exists no possibility of adjustment of chromosome number. Running against the norm, sexual proliferation requests commitment from two people. Consequently there lies a gamble of chromosomal irregularity. The course of meiosis assists with turning away this likelihood by diminishing the number of chromosomes to half. It might occur after gametic association (as in sporozoa) or before preparation (in all higher living beings). In higher living beings, hence, mitosis happens in both substantial and microbe cells yet meiosis happens in the microorganism cells alone and just during the arrangement of gametes. The interaction appears as one DNA replication followed by two progressive atomic and cell divisions (Meiosis I and Meiosis II). As in mitosis, meiosis is gone before by a course of DNA replication that changes over every chromosome into two sister chromatids.

  • Meiosis is partitioned into meiosis I and meiosis II which are additionally separated into Karyokinesis I and Cytokinesis I and Karyokinesis II and Cytokinesis II separately. The preliminary advances that lead up to meiosis are indistinguishable in design and name to interphase of the mitotic cell cycle. Interphase is partitioned into three stages: Development 1 stage, combination stage, furthermore, development 2 stage. 

(1) Growth 1 (G1) phase-

  • In this extremely dynamic stage, the cell combines its immense range of proteins, including the compounds and underlying proteins it will require for development. In G1, each of the chromosomes comprises of a solitary direct particle of DNA.

(2) Synthesis (S) phase-

  • The hereditary material is imitated; every one of the cell's chromosomes copies to become two indistinguishable sister chromatids connected at a centromere. This replication doesn't change the ploidy of the cell since the centromere number remaining parts the exactly. The indistinguishable sister chromatids have not yet consolidated into the thickly bundled chromosomes noticeable with the light magnifying lens. This will occur during prophase-I in meiosis.

(3) Growth 2 (G2) stage-

  • G2 stage as seen before mitosis is absent in meiosis. Meiotic prophase relates most near the G2 period of the mitotic cell cycle. Interphase is trailed by meiosis I and afterward meiosis II. Meiosis I isolates homologous chromosomes, each actually comprised of two sister chromatids, into two girl cells, in this way lessening the chromosome number considerably. 

  • During meiosis II, sister chromatids decouple and the resultant little girl chromosomes are isolated into four girl cells. For diploid living beings, the little girl cells coming about because of meiosis are haploid and contain just a single duplicate of each chromosome.

Meiosis I-

  • It is the principal division of meiosis where a diploid cell partitions into two little girls each having a portion of the quantity of duplicated chromosomes. Meiosis I isolates homologous chromosomes, which are joined as quadruplicates (2n, 4c), creating two haploid cells (n chromosomes, 23 in people) each contain chromatid matches (1n, 2c). 

  • Since the ploidy is decreased from diploid to haploid, meiosis-I is alluded to as a reductional division. The main meiotic division comprises of four phases; Prophase I, Metaphase I, Anaphase I and Telophase I.

1. Prophase I-

  • It is ordinarily the longest period of meiosis. During prophase I, homologous chromosomes pair and trade DNA (homologous recombination). This frequently results in chromosomal hybrid. This cycle is basic for matching between homologous chromosomes also, consequently for exact isolation of the chromosomes at the main meiosis division. 

  • The matched furthermore, duplicated chromosomes are called bivalents or quadruplicates, which have two chromosomes and four chromatids, with one chromosome coming from each parent. The most common way of matching the homologous chromosomes is called synapsis.

  •  At this stage, non-sister chromatids might get over at focuses called chiasmata. Prophase I has been partitioned into a progression of sub-stages which are named by the presence of chromosomes.

(a) Leptotene-

1) Development of homologous chromosomes happens. Homologous chromosomes look like each other in their length, position of centromeres, chromomeres and alleles.

2) In each homologous sets of chromosomes one chromosome is fatherly and other is maternal.

3) In creature cell the chromosomes are found to inclusion towards the side of centrosomes like abouquet. Subsequently this stage is likewise called bouquet stage.

4) Every chromosome is appended to atomic envelope by its the two finishes.

5) Centrosome or centrioles matches, independent and improvement astral beams happens.

(b) Zygotene-

1) Matching of homologous chromosomes.

2) The course of connection or matching of homologous chromosomes is called synapsis. Synapsis produces sets of chromosomes called bivalents.

3) The nucleoprotein complex that aides in adherence of sister chromatids and afterward homologouschromosomes is called synaptonemal complex.

4) Asters keep on creating some distance from one another.

(c) Panchytene-

1) It is of longer length when contrasted with Leptotene and Zygotene.

2) It is perhaps of the main stage/sub-phase of meiosis as chromosome thickening and getting over happens in this sub-stage.

3) Each bivalent toward the finish of Zygotene is comprised of two homologous chromosomes and each chromosome involves two chromatids.

4) The two chromatids of a similar chromosome are called sister chromatids while chromatids having a place with various chromosomes of the homologous pair are known as non-sister chromatids.

5) Getting over (trade of chromatid portions or hereditary material between the homologous chromosomes) consistently happens between non-sister chromatids.

6) With the finish of Pachytene breaking down of synaptonemal complex starts.

7) Asters get away from one another.

(d) Diplotene-

1) Partition of homologous chromosomes happens besides in the area of chiasmata.

2) Disintegration of synaptonemal complex starts to break down bivalent.

3) Diplotene is delayed in numerous creature oocytes. For instance, every one of the oocytes of human female arrive at the diplotene stage in the fifth month of hatchling and remain so for a long time till ovulation is to happen.

4) In oocytes of many fishes, creatures of land and water, reptiles and birds the bivalents extend and turn into changed over into lampbrush chromosomes.

(e) Diakinesis-

1) Chromosomes consolidate further during the Diakinesis stage, from Greek words meaning "traveling through".

2) This is the primary point in meiosis where the four pieces of the quadruplicates are really apparent. Decrease in number of chiasmata is noticed.

3) In this last phase of the main meiotic prophase the chromosomes are most brief and thickest.

4) In each pair the chromatids of a chromosome stay joined in the locale of centromere. There is likewise a connection between non-sister chromatids of the two homologous chromosomes in the locale of chiasmata.

5) The chromosomes bivalents move towards the fringe of the core and remain associated exclusively at the places of chiasmata.

6) Chiasmata slip from their unique position and pass obviously. The peculiarity is called terminalization.

7) in the event of creature cells, asters arrive at the contrary sides ready of shafts.

8) Locales of getting over trap together, actually covering, making chiasmata obviously apparent. Other than this perception, the remainder of the stage intently looks like Prometaphase of mitosis; the nucleoli vanish, the atomic film breaks down into vesicles, and the meiotic axle starts to frame.

9) The chromosomes are at long last delivered into the cytoplasm.

mitosis and meiosis figure cell division

2. Metaphase I-

  • Two significant occasions of metaphase I incorporate total crumbling of atomic layer and the development of axle. Every one of the chromosomes, each alongside their two chromatids, move to the tropical area of the recently framed shaft. 

  • Varying from the metaphase phase of mitosis, the centromeres of chromosome matches in metaphase phase of meiosis I become joined with the axle filaments close to the tropical district.

  • The centromeres remain obviously separated from one another and face the contrary shafts while the arms of the chromosome matches lie towards the equator.

1) Atomic encompass ruffian and axle strands show up.

2) At this stage, bivalents get organized on the equator.

3) Chromosomes happen in bivalents having chiasmata.

4) Chromosomes of a bivalent get joined to shaft fiber having a place with various posts.

3. Anaphase I-

  • There is initial a shock and afterward development of the two centromeres of the homologous chromosomes towards the contrary posts of the axle in anaphase-I. A centromere conveys either a fatherly or a maternal chromosome to one post however not both the chromosomes.

  • This really diminishes the chromosome number from diploid (2n) to haploid (n), which is the principal component of meiosis of decrease division.

1) Homologous chromosomes discrete and move to inverse shafts because of breaking down of


2) This outcomes in line of two haploid arrangements of chromosomes.

3) Partition of homologous chromosomes is known as disjunction, isolated chromosomes

are called univalent.

4) Toward the finish of anaphase-I, two gatherings of chromosomes are framed, with half number of

chromosome present in the mother cell.

4. Telophase I-

  • An atomic film creates around each gathering of homologous chromosomes present on the two inverse posts as a conservative gathering in Telophase-I. The nucleolus returns. 

  • Both the so shaped girl cores contain haploid number (n) of chromosomes, and every chromosome contains a couple of chromatids. Both the little girl cores could possibly be isolated by a plasma film and before long pass on to the following division, i.e., meiosis division-II.

Meiosis II-

  • It is the second meiotic division, and for the most part includes equational isolation, or division of sister chromatids. Precisely, the cycle is like mitosis, however its hereditary results are generally unique.

  •  The outcome is creation of four haploid cells (n chromosomes, 23 in people) from the two haploid cells (with n chromosomes, each comprising of two sister chromatids) delivered in meiosis I. The four fundamental stages of meiosis II are: Prophase II, Metaphase II, Anaphase II, and Telophase II.

1. Prophase II-

  • The chromosomes separate into chromatids in both the haploid cores and cells framed after meiosis division-I. The isolated chromatids stay associated exclusively at the centromeres. 

  • The chromosomes begin looping and become more limited and thicker. The atomic film and nucleolus begin crumbling and some axle strands additionally begin showing up.

1) It is straightforward and of brief span.

2) Shortening of chromosomes happen.

3) Nucleolus vanishes and atomic envelope degenerate.

4) In creature cells, centrosomes foster astral beams and move to the contrary sides.

2. Metaphase II-

The chromosomes get organized in a tropical situation in the recently framed shaft. Very soon, the chromosome pair isolates, of which each contains its own centromere. This is an extremely short period of meiosis division-II.

1) Chromosome gets appended to axle strands, one from each shaft.

2) Area of chromosome to which shaft filaments append is called kinetochore.

3) Chromosomal filaments contract and bring the chromosomes get organized on the equator.

4) The appendages of the two chromatids are unique.

3. Anaphase II-

In this stage, the two sister chromosomes of each pair begin to move towards the contrary posts of the axle. They are being drawn towards the contrary posts by their centromeres.

1) Detachment of centromere of two chromatids happens.

2) The isolated chromatids become girl chromosomes.

3) Chromosomes move to inverse posts.

4) Toward the finish of anaphase II, each post has haploid number of chromosomes.

4. Telophase II-

  • Each polar gathering of chromosomes gets encompassed by an atomic film, and there is the return of nucleolus. Four cells are shaped by cytokinesis, and the cores in every one of these so shaped four youthful cells contain haploid number (n) of chromosomes. 

  • Along these lines, four haploid cells are come about because of a solitary diploid cell during the time spent meiosis.

1) De-buildup of chromosomes happens.

2) Chromosomes sort out to change a core, alongside development of nucleolus and atomic


3) Astral beams and shaft strands vanish.

Meiosis- (Defination, Phase-1, Phase-2 All About Of Meiosis With Figure)

   Difference between meiosis1 and miosis2 

Meiosis- (Defination, Phase-1, Phase-2 All About Of Meiosis With Figure)

  • Mitosis and meiosis are comparable cycles in that the two of them bring about the partition of existing cells into new ones. They vary, be that as it may, in their particular cycles as well as in their items. The justification for these distinctions lies in the distinction in the class of cells that each cycle makes. Mitosis is liable for duplicating physical cells and meiosis is answerable for recreating microbe cells. In single-cell creatures, mitosis is the main type of cell generation. One round of mitosis yields two hereditarily indistinguishable cells. In microbes, this cycle brings about a totally new, free organic entity. This is delegated abiogenetic proliferation since it doesn't need sex for the production of new creatures.

  • In multicellular creatures, similar to us, mitosis just happens in substantial cells, which contain all cells in a life form barring microorganism cells. Cells that go through mitosis copy their chromosomes, bringing about cells with twice their typical haploid or diploid numbers (4N chromosomes). Recently combined chromosomes remain firmly connected with their likechromosome. These two indistinguishable chromosomes are called sister chromatids. Once, the copied sisters' chromatids are independent with the end goal that one duplicate of every chromosome lines up on furthest edges of the cell. The cell then squeezes in the middle until it breaks into two unique cells. A core then conforms to the chromosomes in every cell to yield two cells with the equivalent unique number of chromosomes as the previous cell.

  • There are two significant contrasts among mitosis and meiosis. In the first place, meiosis includes not one, yet two cell divisions. Second, meiosis prompts the creation of microbe cells, which give ascend to gametes. In meiosis, as in mitosis, the maternal and fatherly homologues are reproduced during DNA replication yielding two sets of sister chromatids. After the primary cell division, each of the subsequent cells contains a couple of sister chromatids; one maternal pair and the other fatherly. Dissimilar to mitosis, meiosis doesn't end after one division; it go on with a subsequent cell division. In this division, the sister chromatids are isolated yielding four complete haploid cells.

Difference between mitosis and meiosis

Meiosis- (Defination, Phase-1, Phase-2 All About Of Meiosis With Figure)

Meaning of Meiosis-

  • During the time spent sexual propagation, the male and female gametes circuit to frame a zygote which brings about the new off-springs. In the event that the gametes contained similar number of chromosomes as that of their folks, the off-springs would have a steadily expanding chromosomes number altogether people in the future to come, and this could have come about consistently in the arrangement of new and curious sorts of off-springs, very different from that of their folks. To tackle this issue, nature has given the peculiarity of meiosis to all physically repeating plants and creatures. Meiosis keeps up with the haploid idea of gametes.

  • One more entrancing part of meiosis is that, it starts at the early life in the individual however remains captured for quite a while in the prophase state. In guys the fulfillment relies on the accomplishment of sexual development. 

  • In the female, the fulfillment of the division comes just presently previously or after treatment. The course of meiosis not just lessens the chromosome number to half with the end goal of proliferation yet in addition by irregular conveyance of fatherly and maternal chromosomes and by getting over through chiasma, it produces gametes, none of which are precisely similar. Consequently, an enormous number of varieties result, which have got extraordinary importance in development.

1. DNA, the sole inherited material, is circulated similarly among the gametes by the course of meiosis.

2. It gives improvement to the development of gemmates and spores.

3. Meiosis makes change from sporophytic age gametophytic age in plants. It structures spores (n) from the spore mother cells (2n) and in this manner keeps up with the variation of ages in living beings.

4. Meiosis-I decrease the quantity of chromosomes to one half or single genome where each chromosome is without its homologue.

5. The results of meiosis-I gangs recreated or dyad chromosomes. Event of dyad chromosome goes about as a boost for meiosis-II to happen.

6. Meiosis causes isolation and arbitrary arrangement of qualities. Arbitrary arrangement of fatherly also, maternal chromosomes produces hereditary varieties.

7. Getting over achieves quality recombination or new mix of qualities. It too produces hereditary variety inside the species. The varieties are significant unrefined components for advancement and furthermore help in progress of races.

8. Non-disjunction and breakage of chromosomes might happen during anaphase-I due to non - disintegration of chiasmata. It produces chromosomal abnormalities, aneuploidy and polyploidy.

9. Meiosis basically keeps up with steadiness in chromosomes from one age to another.

10. It prompts the development of haploid gametes (n) which is a fundamental cycle in physically recreating living beings. Treatment reestablishes the typical physical (2n) chromosome number.

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